Feature Announcements

Exports now available

  • August 23, 2016
  • Veronika Martosova

The single-most requested feature is now available: exports!

Exports are available for all data overviews. So whether you want to export everything, a filtered list of the pages on your website or a list of pages with incorrect canonical links, it's all possible.

This is a feature that comes in handy when you are collaborating with external parties. Or when you want to feed your data into other tools. Or simply to use the data as input for your reporting.

Whatever your use-case, exports have your back. Open the CSV-file in Excel, OpenOffice or Google Drive and go wild with the data in any way you want.

Click the "Export"-button in the top-right corner


Click "Start export"


And … check your inbox!

Veronika Martosova

Veronika is ContentKing's Product Manager. She loves talking to our customers to understand their needs and then work with the development team to come up with the right solutions to them. She enjoys working on the intersection of design, development, marketing and business.